Why I don’t use a social media manager

With so many platforms to post content to, it’s very tempting to want to just outsource everything to people who are social media pros.

While I’m sure that works for some people, it’s been an incredibly bad use of resources for me.

Here’s what I do instead.

In short, I learn everything I can about a particular platform through resources like courses, YouTube videos, podcasts, and observing what’s working for other people.

I think it’s super important to learn as much as possible because just posting without a plan will likely not yield good results.

After I’ve learned enough, I experiment with how to implement that knowledge in my own business using various tools and methods.

I want things to be as automated as possible but also still effective, so most processes will still require some human intervention.

Tools that automate are fantastic for efficiency, but they require some tweaking and optimizing to actually work.

Once I test and analyze how everything is working, I create a process and turn it over to an assistant on my team.

Don’t have an assistant? You might want to find a part-time VA that can take on tasks like this.

Not only will they be less expensive than a social media manager, but they’ll be able to use a process that works specifically for your business.

Then you can move on to the next platform – learn, create a process, document, and turn it over to somebody else to implement if you can.

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